Support Vector Machines Succinctly released

My ebook Support Vector Machines Succinctly is available for free. About Support Vector Machines Succinctly While I was working on my series of articles about the mathematics behind SVMs, I have been contacted by Syncfusion to write an ebook in their "Succinctly" e-book series. The goal is to cover a particular subject in about 100 ... Read more

SVM Tutorial: How to classify text in R

In this tutorial I will show you how to classify text with SVM in R.


The main steps to classify text in R are:

  1. Create a new RStudio project
  2. Install the required packages
  3. Read the data
  4. Prepare the data
  5. Create and train the SVM model
  6. Predict with new data

Step 1: Create a new RStudio Project

To begin with, you will need to download and install the RStudio development environment.

Once you installed it, you can create a new project by clicking on "Project: (None)" at the top right of the screen :

svm tutorial : create r studio project
Create a new project in R Studio

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How to classify text using SVM in C#

SVM Tutorial : Classify text in C#

In this tutorial I will show you how to classify text with SVM in C#.

The main steps to classify text in C# are:

  1. Create a new project
  2. Install the SVM package with Nuget
  3. Prepare the data
  4. Read the data
  5. Generate a problem
  6. Train the model
  7. Predict

Step 1: Create the Project

Create a new Console application.

SVM Tutorial Csharp

Step 2: Install the SVM package with NuGet

In the solution explorer, right click on "References" and click on "Manage NuGet Packages..."

svm tutorial csharp

Select "Online" and in the search box type "SVM".

svm tutorial csharp 3

You should now see the package. Click on Install, and that's it !

There are several libsvm implementations in C#. We will use because it is the more up to date and it is easily downloadable via NuGet.

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